+++ UPDATE +++ The lockdown was extended by three more weeks until 9 May 2021. Berlin would be affected by possible nationwide tightening of the rules (federal emergency brake) due to the current incidence. Since 31.03.2021 applies: Galleries and museums may remain open within the framework of the current regulations. In addition to making an appointment, visitors must present a negative Covid test, up-to-date for the day, before entering. FFP2 masks are compulsory in closed rooms in order to ensure better protection against infection, both for visitors and for employees. This is also strongly recommended for private gatherings.
The nationwide lockdown will be extended until 28 March 2021. However, there will be gradual openings, also in galleries and museums.
From 8 March 2021, galleries and museums will be allowed to reopen, subject to certain conditions. The opening conditions apply depending on the incidence rate in the region. As galleries are considered as retailers, the regulations according to the specifications for retailers are to be applied to them. If the incidence is below 50 (per 100,000 inhabitants), galleries are allowed to receive one customer per 10 sqm or 20 sqm of sales area (depending on size: 10 sqm to 800 sqm area, 20 sqm above 800 sqm area). If the incidence is between 50 and 100, gallery visits are only possible by appointment and one customer per 40 sqm is allowed.
A so-called emergency brake is provided for: If the 7-day incidence per 100,000 inhabitants rises above 100 for three consecutive days in the country or region, the rules that applied until 7 March will come into force again as of the second following working day.
Image caption: Bundesregierung Infografik