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Jens Pecho | Not Enough | EBENSPERGER BERLIN | 01.07.–21.08.2022

until 21.08. | #3534ARTatBerlin | EBENSPERGER BERLIN currently presents the exhibition “Not Enough” by the artist Jens Pecho. Throughout his life, the philosopher Herbert Marcuse described as “reification” the endeavor of consumer society to generate ever new, ever more complex desires. Instead of enjoying life in prosperity, the modern individual produces the desire for “useless […]

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Forming Communities: Berliner Wege – 道法柏林, 而游于外  | KINDL – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst (M1) | 28.08.–05.02.2022

until 05.02. | #3532ARTatBerlin | KINDL – Zentrum for Contemporary Art is showing the group exhibition Forming Communities from 28 August 2022: Berlin ways – 道法柏林,而游于外  (Dào fǎ bólín, ér yóu yú wài) in the M1 engine house. Forming Communities exemplifies a section of the interweavings of artists from China, Asia and everywhere who work […]

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