
here you will find exhibitions from the selected category. They are sorted in descending order of actuality. New exhibitions are listed at the top. Exhibitions whose runtime is in the past are listed further down. As an art enthusiast, you can also use this archive to find out about past exhibitions. 

Mikołaj Sobczak | Le Boudoir de l’Amour | Capitain Petzel | 11.09.-19.10.2024

until 19.10. | #4430ARTatBerlin | Capitain Petzel shows from Wednesday, 11. September 2024 the exhibition Le Boudoir de l’Amour by the artist Mikołaj Sobczak. The exhibition is inspired by the café and bookshop in the Montmartre district of Paris that Eva Kotchever, a Polish-Jewish writer, activist and queer icon, is said to have run after […]

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Grit Richter | Breathe Out | Galerie Tanja Wagner | 13.09.-08.11.2024

until 08.11. | #4428ARTatBerlin | Galerie Tanja Wagner pshows from 13. September 2024 the exhibition Breathe Out by the artist Grit Richter. Breathe Out is showing new paintings, each of which opens up a completely different world. In her latest works, figurative elements are moulded with concrete actions and placed in scenic spaces. Interpersonal relationships, […]

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Louis Wessendorff | Blütenlese | Sexauer Gallery | 07.09.-19.10.2024

until 19.10. | #4422ARTatBerlin | Sexauer Gallery shows from 07. September 2024 the exhibition Blütenlese by the artist Louis Wessendorff. Louis Wessendorff has called his first exhibition at Sexauer “Blütenlese”. Wessendorff’s works have something anthological about them. Although not always recognisable at first glance, as the works are mainly based on painting and rarely on […]

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Bod Mellor | People Who Knock on the Door | Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi | 10.09.-02.11.2024

until 02.11. | #4421ARTatBerlin | Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi shows from 10. September 2024 (Opening 10.09.) the exhibition People Who Knock on the Door by the artist Bod Mellor. Opening: Tuesday, 10. September 2024, 18:00 – 21:00 Uhr Exhibition dates: Tuesday, 10. September until Saturday, 02. November 2024 Opening hours Berlin Art Week: Friday, 13. September: 12 […]

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Conny Maier | Drowning | Galerie Société | 13.09.-02.11.2024

until 02.11. | #4419ARTatBerlin | Galerie Société shows from 13. September 2024 the exhibition Drowning by the artist Conny Maier. Water and liquids are central motifs in the artist’s work, appearing in scenes in which they gush from human bodies, flow from urns or serve as a backdrop for enigmatic bathing scenes. Maier’s latest paintings […]

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Axel Lieber | Daily Bread | Taubert Contemporary | 13.09.-02.11.2024

until 02.11. | #4417ARTatBerlin | Taubert Contemporary shows from 13. September 2024 the exhibition Daily bread by the artist Axel Lieber. Who hasn’t kneaded the insides of fresh bread rolls into balls or small creatures and then eaten these shapes, amazed at the altered flavour of the crumb caused by the compaction. Axel Lieber has […]

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Iñaki Bonillas | Horizons of the Possible | Galerie Nordenhake Berlin | 14.09.-09.11.2024

until 09.11. | #4415ARTatBerlin | Galerie Nordenhake Berlin shows from 14. September 2024 the exhibition Horizons of the Possible by the artist Iñaki Bonillas. Working primarily with the history of image making in photography and cinema, Iñaki Bonillas, as a fervent believer in the ecology of the visual, uses archival material for his conceptual investigation […]

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Oliver Bak | Ghost Driver, or The Crowned Anarchist | Sprüth Magers Berlin | 14.09.-02.11.2024

until 02.11. | #4408ARTatBerlin | Sprüth Magers Berlin shows from 14. September 2024 the exhibition Ghost Driver, or The Crowned Anarchist by the artist Oliver Bak. The mystical scenes of painter Oliver Bak unite the spirits of the past and present. Drawing from fiction and the real, mythology and life, and the tangible and the […]

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John Baldessari | Ahmedabad 1992 | Sprüth Magers Berlin | 14.09-02.11.2024

until 02.11. | #4406ARTatBerlin | Sprüth Magers Berlin shows from 14. September 2024 the exhibition Ahmedabad 1992 by the artist John Baldessari. Throughout John Baldessari’s prolific and impactful career, he consistently examined and defied the expectations that influence our perception of art. His unique methodology in the realms of painting, photography, source materials, and text […]

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