
here you will find exhibitions from the selected category. They are sorted in descending order of actuality. New exhibitions are listed at the top. Exhibitions whose runtime is in the past are listed further down. As an art enthusiast, you can also use this archive to find out about past exhibitions. 

MAJLA ZENELI | HALF LIGHT | Jarmuschek + Partner | 09.07.-10.08.2024.

until 10.08. | #4347ARTatBerlin | Jarmuschek + Partner shows from 09. July 2024 (Opening: 06.07.) the exhibition HALF LIGHT by the artist Majla Zeneli. Diffuse blurs, geometric-abstract forms and complex collages – Majla Zeneli repeatedly uses the almost forgotten technique of mezzotint to create touching visual worlds that immerse the viewer, encouraging them to linger […]

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PABLO BENZO | Reciting from memory | 68 projects

until 25.10. | #4346ARTatBerlin | 68 projects shows from 12. September 2024 the exhibition “Reciting from memory” by the artist Pablo Benzo. Pablo Benzo’s new series, which will be on display in the Reciting from Memory exhibition in September, focuses on surreal, cubist three-dimensional picture-in-picture constructions. This technique enables him to depict objects and landscapes […]

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Christopher Lehmpfuhl | London | Galerie Kornfeld | 12.09.-25.10.2024.

until 24.08. | #4345ARTatBerlin | Galerie Kornfeld shows from 12. September 2024 the exhibition London by the artist Christopher Lehmpfuhl. The exhibition Christopher Lehmpfuhl: London presents for the first time the works of Berlin plein air painter Christopher Lehmpfuhl, which the artist painted on the streets of the British capital in the footsteps of the […]

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Surreal Urbanities: Reimagined Realities | group exhibition | BBA Gallery | 20.07.-17.08.2024.

until 17.08. | #4344ARTatBerlin | BBA Gallery shows from 20. July 2024 the group exhibition Surreal Urbanities: Reimagined Realities. Surreal Urbanities: Reimagined Realities features five BBA Artist Prize 2024 finalists who bridge surrealism and urban reality. Anikó Boda and Nogang Lee explore fantasy and imagination through paintings, while Trevor Burgess, Benet Dalmau Alsina, and Luke […]

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Von Wolken und anderen Lügen | Group exhibition | Galerie EIGEN and ART Berlin | 11.07.-31.08.2024.

until 31.08. | #4343 ARTatBerlin | Galerie EIGEN and ART Berlin shows from 11. July 2024 the group exhibition Von Wolken und anderen Lügen. The exhibition features works by six artists who live and work in Berlin: Malte Bartsch, Hannah Sophie Dunkelberg, Martin Groß, Sarah Lehnerer, Valeria Schneider and Felix Leon Westner. Felix Leon Westner, …or […]

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Letizia Werth | Shadow Flowers | Galerie feinart Berlin | 03.08.-04.09.2024.

until 04.09. | #4342ARTatBerlin | Galerie feinart Berlin shows from 3rd August 2024 the exhibition Shadow Flowers by the artist Letizia Werth. Letizia Werth is interested in drawing and its materiality as well as in the relationship between drawing and other media such as photography and video. Under the title “Shadow Flowers”, she summarises a […]

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Immanuel Rohringer and Frank Massholder | ARTISTIC STEPS | Galerie Z22 | 11.07.-31.08.2024.

bis 31.08. | #4341ARTatBerlin | Galerie Z22 shows from 11th July 2024 the exhibition ARTISTIC STEPS by the artists Immanuel Rohringer and Frank Massholder. Galerie Z22 presents the exhibition “ARTISTIC STEPS” by Immanuel Rohringer and Frank Massholder. Frank Massholder and Immanuel Rohringer dedicate themselves to the accidental beauty of floors in large series that have […]

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