until 03.06. | #3855ARTatBerlin | EIGEN + ART Lab presents on 20. April 2023 the duo exhibition of the artist Elsa Rouy and Emil Urbanek.
With Elsa Rouy and Emil Urbanek, EIGEN + ART Lab brings together two young and already strong positions for a joint exhibition. Both Rouy’s and Urbanek’s paintings deliberately evoke contradictory, curious and palpable emotions, albeit in different ways. There is no doubt that the new era of figurative painting is upon us—it is alive and open as never before. Elsa Rouy’s paintings suck the viewer in, plunging them into places dark and sensual, where bold figures bare their and our burden with bravery on the threshold of the ugly and the beautiful, exposing political and art-historical prejudices. Emil Urbanek’s subtle but undeniable boldness has an ephemerality and weight to it: The figures and forms fill the canvases, even the surrounding space is alive with shapes and shadows, and they demand time and attention in a way that only painting can do in the right hands.
Extract from the exhibition text by Seda Mimaroğlu
Opening: Thursday, 20. April 2023, 5 pm – 9 pm
Ausstellungsdaten: Thursday, 20. April until Saturday, 03. June 2023
Gallery Weekend Berlin 2023: Friday, April 28, 11am – 9pm, Saturday, April 29, 11am – 7pm, Sunday, April 30, 11am – 6pm
To the Gallery
Image caption: Emil Urbanek, Foto: Luis Bortt/KUNZTEN
Duo exhibition Elsa Rouy and Emil Urbanek – EIGEN + ART Lab | Zeitgenössische Kunst in Berlin | Contemporary Art | Ausstellungen Berlin Galerien | ART at Berlin