until 21.04. | #1796ARTatBerlin | The Municipal Gallery at Boulevard Berlin (1st Floor) shows from 18th January 2018 the exhibition “diasporaMemoria” by the artist Aisuke Kondo.
For further details about this exhibition please change to the German version of ART@Berlin, because the gallery just provided an exhibition description in German language by now. This is how easy it works: See the little flag in the upper right corner? Perfect! With this button you can switch from German to English (and back again) on nearly every side of ART@Berlin. Just press this language button and in an instant you will be forwarded to the article in German language. If you exceptionally are forwarded to the mainpage, there is no translation existing. Bis gleich!
Vernissage: Wednesday, 17th Januar 2018, 06:00 p.m., Introduction: Dr. Brigitte Hausmann, Leitung Fachbereich Kultur
Exhibition period: Thursday, 18th January to Saturday, 21st April 2018
Supporting programm: Saturday, 3rd March 2018, 05:30 p.m., guided exhibition tour
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Image caption: Aisuke Kondo, Past and Present I Topaz – 1 © Aisuke Kondo
Exhibition: Aisuke Kondo – Municipal Gallery at Boulevard Berlin | Contemporary Art – Kunst in Berlin – ART at Berlin