until 17.04. | #2969ARTatBerlin | Galerie Michael Haas shows from 6. March 2021 a solo exhibition with works by the artist Peter Böhnisch.
In March 2021, Galerie Michael Haas will dedicate a comprehensive solo exhibition to the painter Peter Böhnisch for the first time, which will occupy both the premises in Niebuhrstraße and the Kunst Lager Haas.
In his new, monumental sand paintings, Peter Böhnisch explores the possibilities of painting beyond oil paint and canvas. The artist sets enigmatic scenes in dialogue with portraits, including those of fictitious space travellers, and thus combines traditional pictorial themes and contemporary elements. The focus is always on the use of sand, which Böhnisch sometimes uses as a sculptural, relief-like background and at other times as a direct painting medium.
Explorer Daniel, aus der Serie “Space”, 2021
Edelkorund und Pigment auf MDF
52 x 40 cm
About Peter Böhnisch
After studying at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe with Anselm Reyle and Andreas Slominski, Böhnisch initially devoted himself to large-format drawings, which were increasingly replaced by tempera, wax crayon, pastels or acrylics on canvas.
Exhibition period: Saturday, 6th March to Saturday, 17th April 2021
To the Gallery
Image caption cover: Auf dem Weg zu unseren Freudentränen, 2019–2021, Precious corundum, pigment on canvas and hardboard, 200 x 324 cm
Exhibition Peter Böhnisch – Galerie Michael Haas | Zeitgenössische Kunst in Berlin | Contemporary Art | Exhibitions Berlin Galleries | ART at Berlin