post-title Susi Pop | Identities | ZWINGER Galerie | 06.07.-24.08.2024

Susi Pop | Identities | ZWINGER Galerie | 06.07.-24.08.2024

Susi Pop | Identities | ZWINGER Galerie | 06.07.-24.08.2024

Susi Pop | Identities | ZWINGER Galerie | 06.07.-24.08.2024

until 24.08. | #4340ARTatBerlin | ZWINGER Galerie shows from 06. July 2024 (Vernissage: 05.07.) the exhibition Identities by the artist Susi Pop.

SUSI POP is me claims the model. “Flaubert is me,” says Madame Bovary, and without further ado, she sets herself up as the author of her own character. Flaubert has understood this and is wary of any moral or other kind of judgment.

Omai (Mai), Polynesian prince (around 1751-1780), brought to England by Captain Cook in 1775, was introduced to “the highest circles” there and presented to members of the Royal Society and George III as a “noble savage”. The life-size portrait of Omai in antique garb painted by Joshua Reynolds in 1776 is unironically regarded as an “important British cultural asset”. Long privately owned, the painting appeared on the art market at regular intervals, each time experiencing an extreme price increase. In 2023, it was “secured” for the National Portrait Gallery with the involvement of the Getty Foundation.

Blue Boy Arkhom. Inspired by Gainsborough’s “Blue Boy”, Arkhom grabs a hat and poses in front of the famous painting in the SUSI POP version, imitating its courtly gesture. A double travesty.

Edith Stein *1891 – Theresia Benedicta a Cruce +1942 1)

Nuria 2006, 2011, 2014, 2018, Quinn 2023. The 5 portraits in standardized format form a kind of long-term study and show how the toddler Nuria and her view of the viewer changes over different age groups from girl to young adult, to young adult with the self-chosen name Quinn.

Confetti. A serious case of cultural appropriation. Behind a delicate confetti curtain, a fake Chinese boy and a fake African girl present themselves to the audience. The girl doesn’t seem at all happy with her role. She doesn’t understand why her face has been blackened with shoe polish. She would much rather be a princess. The children had no idea that the hugging gesture could one day be read as symbolic of neo-colonialism.

Born in 1891 as the eleventh child of a Jewish family in Breslau
1911-13 Studied German studies, history, philosophy and psychology in Breslau
1913-15 Studied philosophy, German studies and history at the University of Göttingen
1915 State examination as a teacher in Philosophical Propaedeutics, History and German
1916 Doctoral examination
1916-18 Scientific assistant to Edmund Husserl in Freiburg
1917 Partial printing of the dissertation “On the Problem of Empathy”
1919 Application for habilitation in Göttingen rejected
1922 Baptism. Contributions to the “Yearbook for Philosophy and Phenomenological Research”
1925 “Investigation into the state”
1930/31 Attempts at habilitation in Freiburg and Kiel fail again
1932 Lecturer at the German Institute for Scientific Pedagogy in Münster
1933 Forced end to her teaching activities. Unsuccessful attempt to persuade Pope Pius XI to issue an encyclical against the persecution of the Jews. Joins the Carmelite convent in Cologne
1934 Consecration. Order name “Theresia Benedicta a Cruce”
1935/36 Main philosophical work “Finite and Eternal Being”
1938 Vows as a Carmelite and moves to the Dutch Carmel Genuine
1941 Work on the last book “Science of the Cross”
1942 Arrest of the sisters Edith and Rosa Stein. Deportation to Auschwitz

Vernissage: Friday, 5th July 2024,  6 – 9 pm

Exhibition dates: Saturday, 6th July until Saturday, 24th August 2024

To Gallery



Image Caption Title: Edith Stein / Theresia Benedicta a Cruce, 2022, Acryl und Siebdruck auf Lw, 120×90 cm

Exhibition Susi Pop – ZWINGER Galerie | Contemporary art in Berlin | Contemporary Art | Exhibitions Berlin Galleries | ART at Berlin

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