until 18.11. | #1639ARTatBerlin | Philipp Haverkampf Galerie presents from 14th October 2017 the exhibition “EY I?” by the artist Jan Pleitner and the exhibition “NEUE KAMELLEN AUS DER KUPFERKANNE” by the artist Maximilian Kirmse.
Jan Pleitner – EY I?
Every life is doomed into action. Every life lives in its flter-bubble, the limitation of our senses determines the
perception, and from this we form our picture of the world. We humans try to comprehend this image, but in search
for meaning, we cannot fnd absolute certainty. Without information, no meaningful purposeful action is possible.
Being able to collect and process information is a survival benefit.
When will A.I. not only be artifcial intelligence, but a natural way of displaying intelligent behaviour? And when this
time comes, will this new form of intelligence develop its own characteristics, know boredom, the pleasure of
intoxication, be able to be frivolous and to cross boundaries?
The window was long ago a hole in the wall to provide for ventilation and some light. They were open and lay above
head height. Windows had a variety of shapes and did not follow any symmetry; they were inserted where they were
needed. To protect against wind and cold, the openings were closed with opaque materials. The frst glass windows
were initially not clear and pure. They were coloured and were composed of several individual sections. In this way,
magnifcent illuminated images were created for the deities of God and rulers. Imbued with light, they were symbols
for the higher powers, the divine, in order to help us understand the meaning of life.
Today, we love large-scale windows that fuse the inside and outside together: clear and pure and counting on the
Pleitner rummages in colour, strives to shed any narrative, to escape the rules of the familiar, and fnally to arrive at a
church window of the next generation. They seem to be steeped with light, but do not allow a view through, they are
windows to an inner space.
Philipp Haverkampf is pleased to present Jan Pleitner (*1984 in Oldenburg, lives and works in Düsseldorf), after
successful exhibitions in London, Dublin, Cologne and Los Angeles, his frst solo exhibition in Berlin, at Philipp
Haverkampf Gallery.
Vernissage: Friday, 13th October 2017, 6 to 9 p.m.
Exhibition period: Saturday, 14th October to Saturday, 18th November 2017
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Image caption: via Philipp Haverkampf Galerie, Jan Pleitner
Exhibitions: Jan Pleitner + Maximilian Kirmse – EY I? + NEUE KAMELLEN AUS DER KUPFERKANNE – Philipp Haverkampf Galerie | Contemporary Art – Kunst in Berlin – ART at Berlin