The Germany-wide lockdown, which began on 16 December 2020 and was scheduled to last until 10 January 2021, will be extended until 31 January 2021. In the process, the measures to contain the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus will be tightened again.
The Infection Protection Measures Ordinance is amended as follows:
- When leaving one’s own home or usual accommodation for valid reasons, the stay in the public space outdoors, in particular on streets, paths, squares and in green spaces is only permitted alone, in the circle of spouses or partners, members of one’s own household, for persons for whom there is a right of custody or access and additionally with a maximum of one other person, whereby in the case of single parents their children up to the age of 12 are not counted. The same applies to events or gatherings in the circle of family, acquaintances or friends (private events).
- After the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family implemented particularly strict regulations over Christmas, we are now returning to the resolution of the Conference of Minister Presidents of 13 December 2020. Deviations for the purpose of a resumption of teaching and care operations in attendance adapted to the infection situation are determined by the Senate Department responsible for education by means of a legal ordinance.
- A new addition is the area of vocational education. According to this, examinations in vocational education, in particular examinations according to the Vocational Training Act and the Crafts Code, as well as other examinations in the area of vocational education, further education and training are permitted in presence form, provided that the basic obligations as well as the protection and hygiene rules are observed. Oral, written and practical examinations, including examinations of a sporting and musical nature, are permitted in face-to-face form. In this context, those responsible for vocational education and training provision are in principle required, in order to avoid physical social contact, to give priority to teaching in alternative forms to face-to-face teaching, insofar as this is possible and compatible with the learning objective.*
- In addition to restaurants within the meaning of the Catering Act, canteens may not be opened to the public in future. However, they may offer take-away food and beverages. For this purpose, suitable precautions must be taken to control the purchase process and to avoid crowds.
Driving schools may neither be opened to the public nor offer their services. This does not apply in the context of the acquisition of driving licences by members of municipal undertakings or state agencies for official purposes. - All regulations for the Christmas holidays and the turn of the year are deleted.
The amended Infection Protection Ordinance is initially valid until the end of 31 January 2021. It will come into force one day after publication in the Law and Ordinance Gazette of the State of Berlin. You can then find it at:
You can find the complete ordinance with all paragraphs and further information at:
Image caption: Franka Hörnschemeyer, 2001, at the Paul-Löbe-Haus, Berlin, Photo: Stephanie Schneider